


慢性病有逐漸年輕化的趨勢,預防慢性病對每個人而言是一個重要的議題,若不幸得到慢性病,如何與慢性病和平相處便會是病患面臨到最大的挑戰,原本 的生活模式將因為慢性病而有極大的改變,其中改變最多的即是旅行,原本說走就走的旅行卻被慢性病拖累。 「『慢遊」幫助使用者紀錄就醫資料、藥品紀錄、身體變化、定時提醒測量與服用藥物,針對病友健康狀況推薦適合的旅程規劃,並統整出遊前需要準備的醫 療用品、行李的清單。
『慢遊』與使用者共遊,記錄就醫資料,其中包括疾病的注意事項、藥品詳細資訊以及藥物的交互作用等。在旅遊中提醒需要注意的事項、提供使用者記錄 不同環境與身體變化,並製作成分析圖表,讓醫師能從中發現治療方案的改善空間,而使用者也能從『慢遊中更瞭解自己的整體健康水平。平台也提供線 上諮詢醫生,若旅遊過程中遇到身體不適,也可以直接線上諮詢醫生,讓即使在國外的病患,也有安心的意見可以參考。而旅遊結束後,病患也可以為此次 旅遊打分數,並給予回饋,讓其他病友們有資料以及數據作為他們旅遊的參考,此回饋也會回到後台給醫生,作為評估病患身體情況的資料,藉此製作更適 合病友的療程,而使用者未來也能以此為參考,進一步計畫下一次的旅程。

Chronic diseases have a tendency to gradually become younger. Preventing chronic diseases is an important issue for everyone. If unfortunately getting chronic diseases, how to get along with chronic diseases will be the biggest challenge facing patients. The original lifestyle will be due to chronic diseases. There have been great changes, and the one that has changed the most is travel, but travel that was originally said to leave is dragged down by chronic diseases "Chronic Travel" helps users to record medical information, drug records, physical changes, regular reminders to measure and take drugs, recommend suitable travel plans for the health conditions of patients, and consolidate the list of medical supplies and luggage that need to be prepared before traveling.
"Chronic Travel" swims with the user and records medical information, including precautions for the disease, detailed drug information, and drug interactions. Remind the need to pay attention to during travel, provide users to record different environmental and physical changes, and make analysis charts, so that doctors can find room for improvement of treatment options, and users can learn more about their own from "Chronic Travel" Overall health. The platform also provides online consultation with doctors. If you experience physical discomfort during travel, you can also directly consult a doctor online, so that even patients abroad can have peace of mind for reference. After the tour, patients can also score the tour and give feedback, so that other patients have information and data as a reference for their travel. This feedback will also be returned to the background to the doctor to evaluate the patient's physical condition. Data to make a treatment more suitable for the patient, and users can use this as a reference in the future to further plan the next journey.