


為設計給獨居年長者,提供簡易的介面及與親人保持聯繫的os系統裝置。獨居年長者為現代愈來愈重視之議題,雖有親人,卻不住在一起,因此存在著 許多風險及危害,也缺乏新知與時常溫馨的叮囑提醒,因此設計此款裝置。介面上所有應用程式在介面上左右滑動,即可全部找到,系統會依使用者習慣, 將最常用及常用以顏色區分,方便使用者更快速的尋找自己要使用的應用程式。系統內建保持聯繫、溫馨提醒,提供使用者與較親密的聯絡人保持聯繫, 確保好好生活及安危,也提供使用者關於濕度、溫度、空氣中的危害物質含量、健康小知識,建議年長者今日是否適合出門,或做其他事等參考,給使用者 最溫暖的呵護與照顧。介面為方便快速尋找,將文字及圖形放大,也較符合年長者視力問題,視覺上也多了設計感,相較於一般簡易介面,較不呆版、枯燥。

It is designed to provide a simple interface and an operating system device to keep in touch with loved ones for seniors living alone. Elderly people living alone are paying more and more attention to modern issues. Although there are relatives, they do not live together. There are many risks and hazards. There is also a lack of new knowledge and warm reminders from time to time. Therefore, this device is designed. All applications can be found by sliding left and right on the interface. The system will distinguish the most commonly used and commonly used colors according to user habits, so that users can quickly find the application they want to use. The system has built-in contact and warm reminders to provide users with close contacts to keep in touch to ensure a good life and safety. It also provides users with knowledge about humidity, temperature, hazardous substance content in the air, and health knowledge. It is recommended for the elderly Whether it is suitable for going out today, or doing other things, to give users the warmest care.The interface is easy to find quickly. It enlarges the text and graphics, which is more in line with the elderly's vision problems. It also has a more visual sense of design. Compared with the general simple interface, it is less dull and boring.