Custom Bathroom


Custom Bathroom

客製化浴室安全輔具針對獨居的高齡長者在使用浴室時,因下肢較無力或是浴室濕滑等因素所產生的安全問題,設計出能安裝於所有個人浴室,而且價格相較於一般浴室輔具更低的安全輔具,使用者能根據自身家中浴室的情況,或個人身體的活動能力及需求,進行浴室輔具的客製化,輔具中的扶手 採用模組化的管子讓購買者能夠自行決定要設計成怎麼樣的扶手,除此之外也會提供範例讓使用者了解要接成範例的管子需要多少長管,短管等...另外,輔具套件中也包含浴缸止滑坐垫供使用者選配,整組套件都是採用吸盤的方式固定在牆壁地板或浴缸等,避免長者在安裝時可能會遇到的難題 。

Custom bathroom safety aids are designed for the safety situation that elderly living alone may face, such as wet floor or powerless of their lower limb. Our design can fit in everyone bathroom and cheaper than other safety aids in the market. Users can customize their safety aids according to the situation of their bathrooms, personal requirement or their mobility. Handrails of this aids are desined into modularized pipes, making buyer to decide how they want to design their handrails by themselves. What's more, we will give some examples to show how many pipes do they need if they want the same one. In addition, these bathroom aids also include anti-slip mat that can be used in bathtubs. All of the custom bathroom safety aids can fix on the floors, walls or bathtubs by sucker, in order to prevent the elder from facing problem while they want to install them.