


當我們進入急診室時 會看到醫護人員匆忙的醫治緊急病人,也會聽到急診區裡哀號聲、哭聲此起彼落;但有些症狀較不緊急的病人,他們必須花費大把時間等待看病。政府雖然有推行檢傷分類制度給急診病人,但卻不是每家醫院都會落實分類制度。大部分醫院的急診病患的手環是依照看病需求分類的,例如開刀病患、住院病患等。

When we enter the emergency room, we will see the medical staff rushing to treat emergency patients, and we will hear the wailing and crying in the emergency area. But for some patients with less urgent symptoms, they must spend a lot of time waiting to see a doctor. Although the government has implemented a classification system for emergency examinations for emergency patients, not every hospital will implement a classification system. The bracelets of emergency patients in most hospitals are classified according to medical needs, such as patients undergoing surgery and inpatients.
This medical bracelet is designed with a disposable wristband in five colors according to the classification criteria for emergency examinations. After the patient is classified for examination, the medical staff will wear the bracelet according to the classification criteria. The bracelet uses an RFID chip, and the patient can use the indoor positioning and navigation functions to reach the designated location in each medical treatment procedure, to reduce the search for consultation rooms time. When the patient is discharged from the hospital, the medical staff will retract the wristband smart board and sterilize it for the next person.