



「探險大作戰」是一個屬於2~5歲的互動式學習遊戲,此情境遊戲是讓小孩在家裡自主學習安全防禦知識,由家長擔任說書人以及佈關者,透過 小惡魔感應器以及盾牌手錶進行遊戲,家長說完前導故事後小孩開始尋找危險處,化身為故事中的主角達成目的完成故事,最後再由家長做結局 以及劇情的說明;全程由小孩獨自尋找、家長則為輔助者。感應器和手錶的造型呼應遊戲中的故事情境,遊戲地點為客廳、臥房、浴室以及廚房 ,遊戲情境分別為勇士拯救村莊、探險家破關尋找寶藏、航海家打敗海盜抵達島嶼、以及廚師征服家具取得料理的工具,藉由有趣的故事讓小孩 能夠快速進入情境中,主動學習環境安全知識。

"Adventure Big Battle" is a 2 to 5-year-old interactive learning game, this situation game is to let children at home to learn their own safety defense knowledge, by the parents as booksellers and cloth collectors, through the small demon sensor and shield watch game, parents say the lead story after the child began to look for danger, the story of the protagonist to achieve the goal of the completion of the story, and finally by the parents to do the finale and the plot of the whole child to find the whole child. Sensors and watches echo the story of the game, where the game is located in the living room, bedroom , bathroom and kitchen, the game situation is warrior rescue village, explorers break the door to find treasure, navigators beat pirates to the island, and the chef conquers furniture to get cooking tools, with interesting stories that allow children to quickly enter the situation and actively learn about environmental safety.
