
Craft Sole


Craft Sole

足底筋膜炎是一種過度損耗足底,導致足底疼痛,無法順利行走的病症。而因為行走的姿勢或習慣不佳引發的慢性疾病可不僅只有足底筋膜炎,更有各 種下肢甚至到達腰部和肩頸的筋膜炎、肌腱炎,所謂牽一髮而動全身不外如是。人體猶如一台極度精密且分工複雜的儀器,身體任何一處從小養成的不 良習慣都可能在中老年引發該部位筋膜炎、肌腱炎,甚至會由於連動進而擴散至其他部位,給生活帶來痛苦及不便。

Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which excessive depletion of the sole of the foot causes pain in the sole of the foot and the inability to walk smoothly. And chronic diseases caused by poor walking posture or bad habits can be not only plantar fasciitis, but also various fasciitis and tendonitis of the lower limbs and even the waist and shoulder and neck. The so-called pulling the whole body is like. The human body is like an extremely precise and complicated division of labor. Any bad habit developed in the body from an early age may cause fasciitis and tendonitis in this area in the middle and old age, and even spread to other parts due to the linkage, bringinglife Pain and inconvenience.
