



失明者分為先天及後天,而約80%的 患者都是後天失明,他們對點字的認知 學習很快,但是在學習觸摸點字的速度 卻非常的緩慢,需要花比先天失明者更 多的時間去習慣觸摸點字,過程中可能 產生非常大的挫折。本專案為後天失明患者在未學習或是 仍不熟習點字時的專用輔具,運用觸覺 貼紙幫助患者在過渡期能用快速且簡單 的觸摸進行物品辨認,並在使用過程中 促進觸覺以及對形狀的辨認。
使用者可以自行標籤或是根據個人習慣 進行使用,例如階梯形狀可以隨張貼方向表 示上或者下,高或者低,依據調味罐的特性 貼上不同程度波紋的貼紙等等,讓失明者也 能「一觸了然」。貼紙的色彩可以方便失明 者家屬辨別不同貼紙。

Blind people are divided into congenital and acquired, and about 80% of the patients are acquired blindness. Their cognitive learning of Braille is very fast, but the speed of learning to touch Braille is very slow, and it takes more than those who are born blind. It takes time to get used to touching Braille, which may cause great frustration. This project is a special assistive device for blind patients who have not learned or are still not familiar with Braille. The use of tactile stickers helps patients to identify objects with quick and simple touch during the transition period, and promotes tactile and correctness during use. Recognition of shape.
Users can label themselves or use them according to personal habits. For example, the shape of the ladder can indicate up or down, high or low according to the direction of the posting, and stickers of different degrees of ripples can be attached to the characteristics of the seasoning jar, so that the blind can also `` It's clear at a touch." The color of the stickers can make it easier for the families of the blind to distinguish different stickers.
